Our Learning
Communication and Language:
During the first half term of the summer, the Nursery children will be focusing on widening their range of vocabulary. We will share lots of stories with rich language and the children will be encouraged to use this language in their own talk and play.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development:
This term will focus on the children becoming more independent before they leave the Nursery class and move into Reception. This will include making sure all children can put their own coats on, open and close zip fastenings and begin to do buttons.
Physical Development:
During the summer term, the Nursery children will continue to focus on their fine motor skills. We will work on using a comfortable grip with good control when holding pens and pencils and showing a preference for a dominant hand.
We will also be spending a lot more time in our outside area practising our gross motor skills by pouring, carrying, mixing and painting.
The Nursery children will continue to focus on phase 1 listening activities and will also continue to revise phase 2 sounds. We will also be introducing the first set of sounds in Phase 3. These are: j,v,w,y,x,z,zz,ch,sh,th,ng.
The children will also work on forming the letters within their name correctly.
The children will continue to master their understanding of the numbers to 5 and possibly 10 for some of them.
We will look at showing these numbers in different ways like on our fingers, on a dice, with objects and with the written numeral.
We will also look again at 2D and 3D shapes.
Our learning is centred around the theme of: minibeasts
Understanding the World:
We will be looking at their features, habitats and some life cycles.
Expressive Arts and Design:
The children will be given the opportunity to make symmetrical butterfly paintings, pipe cleaner spiders and pom-pom caterpillars.
Children will begin the day with Worship and learning a prayer to start our day
What we are reading this half term:
The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
The Very busy spider.
Elmer and the Butterfly.
The Butterly Dance.
Snail trail
Inch by Inch
Yucky Worms
Nursery Rhymes/songs:
Incy Wincy Spider.
Little Miss Muffett
Out in the Garden
Useful Information
- PE day: every Tuesday (please send your child in their full PE kit on this day each week)
- Library books due in: every Thursday
Please see the main Parent Portal page for any school closure dates
- Please ensure all uniform is clearly labelled with your child's name.
- PE pumps and horticulture kits need to be kept at school at all times.